What is Acrylic foam tape?Types and Application?
What is Acrylic foam tape?Types and Application?

Acrylic foam tape (AFT) is a relatively new industrial adhesive product that has gained in popularity over the...

What Are The Difference Between OPP film, BOPP film and CPP Film?
What Are The Difference Between OPP film, BOPP film and CPP Film?

What Are The Difference Between OPP film, BOPP film and CPP Film?

What is Advantages and Disadvantages For Using Double Sided Tape
What is Advantages and Disadvantages For Using Double Sided Tape

First, let’s take a look at how double-sided tape got its name. It uses two adhesive sides to stick objects to...

What is Adhesion film? Definition,Types and Benefits?
What is Adhesion film? Definition,Types and Benefits?

Adhesion film is usually soft plastic films made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or PE (polyethylene) with a very...

What is commonly foam roller in the electronics industry
What is commonly foam roller in the electronics industry

What is commonly used in the procurement of foam in the electronics industry.Foam materials, as the crystalliz...

What is Solar Edge Tape?
What is Solar Edge Tape?

Solar Edge Tape  is a component that provides power to heat materials at remote locations and prevents them fr...

What is Expansion tape?  Application and Function?
What is Expansion tape? Application and Function?

Expansion tape is a type of weatherstripping that has been available for commercial use for a long time, Sande...

How to Choose Correct Surface Protection Film
How to Choose Correct Surface Protection Film

Will the film be applied to a rough or a smooth surface? Rougher surfaces have more surface area and require a...

What is Aerogel Insulation Film?Benefits and  Application?
What is Aerogel Insulation Film?Benefits and Application?

Aerogel Insulation Film is  is a kind of Special thermal insulation material, which is mostly used for thermal...

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