“Transparent tape” (Sellotape, Scotchtape) is glossy-surfaced cellulose tape. It will effect emergency repairs...
2024.11.12The Normal Application of ESD Polyimide Tape?
2024.11.12Clear Mylar Tape are used in the manufacture of transparent plastic films and are also used for solar filters,...
2024.11.12Copper foil tape coated with acrylic adhesive creates an electrically conductive tape that boasts high conform...
2024.11.11Aluminum foil tape is pretty tough. It maintains its integrity in very cold and very hot temperatures. This ta...
2024.11.11Printed circuit board (PCB) tapes are used to mask gold fingers during hot air leveling, wave solder processes...
2024.11.06Pape tape comes with different grades while the adhesion value and thickness of the paper have to be adjusted...
2024.11.06Expanding Foam Tape is a type of weatherstripping that has been available for commercial use for a long time,...
2024.10.30Glass Cloth tape is a technical adhesive product used mainly in the electrical field for reinforcement or coil...